Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Superfine Art Fair NYC 2023


SB on 23rd St
Oil on canvas

I will be exhibiting this and other paintings at the upcoming Superfine Art Fair NYC 2023, September 14-17 at 29 West 23rd Street. This painting of the former Stern Brothers Department Store, built in the 1870's in what was once known as the Ladies Mile, features wonderful architectural details and fascinating reflections. I've included this painting as the building is just across the street from the Fair. A Home Depot now occupies the ground level retail space but this historic cast iron building looks much as it did when first built. #superfineartfair

For Fair info and tickets - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/superfine-art-fair-nyc-2023-tickets-694799151967?aff=ebdssbdestsearch


Monday, August 7, 2023

Blue Empire Reflections

Blue Empire Reflections
Oil on canvas
24x24 inches

Spotted some wonderful reflections on Sixth Avenue of a very abstract Empire State Building. Had a really good time capturing on canvas all of the undulating and distorted shapes resulting on this glass building facade. Always looking up to see what I can see.