Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Court Square Diner all shiny and bright

"Court Square Diner Reflections"
Oil on canvas
6 x 6 inches

A long-established Long Island City spot, the Court Square Diner, went through a big renovation a few years back, keeping up with all of the development and face-lifting the old neighborhood is undergoing. My eye caught the reflections of some of the older buildings on 45th Road bouncing off the shiny windows, surrounded by chrome accents. This is a recent small painting. I've been working on a smaller scale for the past few months for a variety of reasons, but this is one painting I'm thinking of working up into a larger piece at some point. Not all reflections become abstract but they do become reversed which I find fascinating. The interior of the diner is all shiny and new too, and I'm thinking of painting an interior scene of this place in the future. Now that the summer season has unofficially kicked off, and the natural light in the studio keeps me painting later, I'm hoping to turn out some good work in the next few months.

1 comment:

MadisonLee said...

The painting is really beautiful. And I am sure that the interior of the diner will be awesome.