Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A bit of LIC's past

LIC 21-17
Oil on panel
8x8 inches

A just finished commissioned portrait of a building in LIC not far from my studio. Amid all of the development and construction some of LIC's past can still be found on the quiet side streets. I enjoyed capturing this charming home with the beautiful sunlight dappled brickwork and small touches. Many of these older buildings have been disappearing and I never tire of capturing them on canvas going on well over 40 years.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

A Lobby Installation in Harlem

Art Installation in 125th Street Lobby in Harlem
5 oil on canvas reflection paintings
through February, 2025

An art adviser contacted me expressing interest in exhibiting some of my larger NY-themed paintings in the lobby of an office building on 125th Street in Harlem. I like the selection chosen as they portray places throughout the city - Hudson Yards, Columbus Circle, Madison Avenue, Grand Central Terminal and Ninth Avenue. A nice opportunity to get my work out before the public.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

LIC - Across the River


LIC_Across the River
Oil on canvas
12x24 inches

I continue to paint the Long Island City urban landscape 40+ years on. This is the view from the LIC waterfront, looking west to the forest of small and towering buildings of Manhattan. As an artist I've seen the constant architectural chnages and I still attempt to capture New York in a moment in time.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Green Roof Reflections
Oil on canvas
30x24 inches

A new painting to share. This recent reflection painting has been accepted into the Allied Artists of America 111th Annual Exhibition and will be on view in the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, OH, September 8 - November 10, 2024. Always an honor to be included in this annual exhibition. And just love spotting really interesting building reflections as I walk around the city.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Waiting at Grand Central


Waiting at Grand Central
Oil on canvas
24x18 inches

Several months ago, while waiting for a friend to arrive, I took photos and subsequently created a painting featuring the chandeliers and reflections in the waiting area of Grand Central Terminal. I was so taken by this subject that I decided to create another painting, a variation this time including some of the people waiting on line. The contrast between the ornate interior and the everyday travelers, waiting and most checking their phones, is common sight and I choose to paint these scenes as I find beauty in everyday surroundings.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Sunday in June


Some thoughts...

Sunday, June 30. Left the apartment at 9am and headed downtown to the Museum at Eldridge Street to attend a special ceremony in honor of my friend Tobi. The beautifully restored sanctuary was filled with love and spirituality, the speakers all eloquent and I was glad to be a witness to this important event in Tobi's life. He then gave a short tour of his current exhibition downstairs and even though I've known this talented artist for over 40 years, I always learn something new about his art-making process and inspiration when listening him speak about his work. 

My friend Xing Fei  had joined me at the museum and we headed off to more adventures on the Lower East Side. First we located an address on Allen Street as I wanted to see where my Dad had been born. The original building was long gone but I'm glad I finally got to see the place of his birth over 100 years ago.

Further down Allen Street we found the Zhengjuesi-Cheng Chio Buddhist Temple where Fei had worked on the interior sculptures and wall murals as a young art student when she first came to the United States 40 years ago. This women's temple was filled with color, light, and spirituality as well. Two different religious institutions  just blocks away from one another.

All this walking meant it was time to eat. We headed over to Division Street's Dim Sum Palace, a noisy, bustling restaurant filled with happy diners. All my friends know I'm not an adventurous eater, but the steamed vegetable rolls, scallion pancakes and jasmine tea I ordered hit the spot.

Heading back to the F train on East Broadway we crammed ourselves onto a sardine-packed train. A nice young man offered Fei his seat and as she had a long ride back to Queens it was most welcome. Lots of people coming from or heading to the Pride parade. An older gent got on the train all sparkles, colors and tattoos, and he was one among many on the subway today. When I exited at 23rd Street the sidewalks were packed as Sixth Avenue had been closed off for the parade and many more celebrants were thronging the neighborhood.

Made it home tired but happy and as I was opening the door to my building I spotted this beauty.


3pm, a  cool apartment and a welcome shower to wash away the heat and humidity of a New York summers day. A mere 6 hours but what a wonderful way to spend them. A day in New York, is there any wonder why I love this town, even with its many challenges, and how it never ceases to provide inspiration for my paintings. Can't imagine living anywhere else. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new month and more memorable days ahead.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

More Construction Equals More Reflections

LIC Jackson Avenue Reflections II
Oil on canvas
24x24 inches

There are so many reflections, so many painting ideas that I see on a daily basis. These colorful reflections were spotted on Jackson Avenue in Long Island City, a hotbed of construction going on for 20 years or so with more building sprouting up all the time. The neighborhood has changed, that's for sure.

Loved the bright colors of the construction scaffolding and partial glass on this building facade. Not sure why I find these reflections so exciting to paint, but they are and I expect to keep painting them as long as I find myself surrounded by construction projects.