Thursday, April 11, 2019

Hell's Kitchen Pizza and Readings

Psychic Pizza
Oil on canvas
16x12 inches

Last Spring I met friends on Ninth Avenue in Hell's Kitchen to celebrate one of their birthdays at an Italian restaurant. As we were waiting for one more person to arrive I took some photos of Two Boots restaurant nearby as I was intrigued with the colors that just popped off the facade and signage - bright reds and yellows on a gray and rainy afternoon.

Having recently completed two paintings with lots of muted grays I needed to paint a subject with lots of color and this one fit the bill. Pretty happy with the results. When I showed this painting to my friends who were with me last Spring they informed me that the Two Boots Pizza location in Hell's Kitchen had closed as well as the Italian restaurant next door. On googling I found that the pizza place had closed due to unpaid taxes. Might reopen, might not.

This painting might be added to my website under the "Gone but not Forgotten" heading, will have to wait and see.

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